“There are no two logs the same.”
The Fine Timber Company was the result of Derek Doak’s passion for all things timber, and the variations of nature that make it so vibrant.
Derek “The Timber Bloke“ Doak
After many years of creating various timber projects in his shed at home, Derek decided that his interest in the process of getting the timber to a workable stage was overtaking his interest in using the timber.
Whilst he still creates beautiful pieces of work, these days Derek spends more time converting a log into the perfect slab, board, table leg etc. for other people’s projects.
Timber salvage
At The Fine Timber Company, we believe in making the most out of a precious natural resource like timber.
We specialise in salvaging all species of trees, from the Perth metro area, but primarily from around the Donnybrook area. As a result we have an unmatched selection of Western Australian native, Australian natives and exotics in stock.
Most of lour logs come from house pad clearing, shed pads, fence line clearing and storm damaged/fallen trees.
We carry a wide variety of boards, wide boards, slabs, burls and turning blanks.
We take care when milling to extract high featured timber for that special project including curly, fiddleback, spalted, book matched, fork/crotch, marbled and black spot.
Each log is carefully assessed to ascertain the best way to mill it to bring out the best features.
Salvaging an old Peppercorn tree from a suburban property. Our experience with salvaged logs means we know how to cut the timber to reveal its greatest features, pattern and colour.
Selling Us Your Logs
Most of our logs comes from local landholders from whom we purchase suitable logs. If you have fallen logs or are doing some clearing please contact us.
We will get you to send some photos and then we will come and have a look. We will let you know what we can pay you for them and if you are happy we will proceed to make a plan with you as to when to collect them.
We are fully equipped with logs salvaging loading and truck for the salvage operation.
Although most of our logs are salvaged reasonable close to our mill at Donnybrook, we occasionally go much further depending on what you have available regarding species, quality and volume.
Salvaged logs amount to about 90% of our logs. Mostly these come from within about 30kms of our sawmill.
Salvaged logs come from things such as house or shed pad clearing, fenceline clearing, storm damaged logs, fire damaged logs and similar”. Such logs are usually purchased from the landholder.
We are equipped to salvage and transport these with our our equipment.
Most of our Sheoak comes from Government auctions. About 5% of our logs.
We source plantation logs from Yallingup and Walpole. All of our Tasmanian Blackwood comes from this source. Our Yellow Tingle, Yellow Stringybark and Karri also comes from this source.
Plantations supply about 5% of our timber. We expect this figure to increase as the plantations mature.
We import timber from the US (Indiana and Michigan) and Germany. This amounts to about 10% of our timber.