We'll help you select the perfect timber for your next woodworking project.
Phone 0417 17 55 90 or email us on derek@thefinetimbercompany.com.au.
You can also browse through our online catalogue and send us an order enquiry. We’ll work out the freight to your delivery destination and get back to you with a total cost.
Our timber is distributed in Perth by JP Fine Timbers. If you are after any of our timber and you are in Perth please contact them direct on 0438 487 175.
A big thank you to all those exhibitors and all those visitors who helped make for a great weekend. Planning is already underway for a bigger and better show for next year.
Find out more about The Fine Timber Company, our services, or see our catalogue for timber slabs and more.
We have years of experience and enthusiasm for helping our customers select the best timber for their bespoke furniture, feature cabinetry and woodwork projects — we welcome new customers at our showroom in Perth.
Timber catalogue
Browse through our product catalogue of slabs, boards, legs and posts, burls and veneers, including a range of selected finishing oils and accessories.
Looking for specific feature wood or timber slabs in Perth?
Pick one of the descriptive tags shown here to see everything we have of that type of wood or feature. Feel free to contact us if you’re chasing something we don’t have in our catalogue.
- length:long
- coffee table
- width:medium
- length:medium
- dining table
- width:narrow
- figured
- width:wide
- book matched
- thick slabs
- hall table
- marri
- resin table
- jarrah
- curly
- dark
- resin coffee table
- blackbutt
- wobbly edge
- short
- light
- funky
- norfolk island pine
- mantelpiece
- english elm
- spalting
- ribbon stripe
- tuart
- english walnut
- burl
- beech
- length:short
- crotch figure
- fiddleback
- maple
- tassie blackwood
- knotty
- boardroom table
- ambrosia
- sheoak
- african mahogany
- length:extra-long
- red pine
- sloping edge
- gummy
- cypress
- walnut
- pomelle
- quarter sawn
- curved edge
- cookie
- boards
- oak
- rose gum
- white oak
- red oak
- black poplar
- birdseye
- karri
- horse chestnut
- musical
- bartop
- cherry
- black spot
- round table
- monkey puzzle
- flame
- norfolk
- american black walnut
- yellow tingle
- sloping
- tiger
- black heart
- quilted
- american black cherry
- resin
- wall art
- curved
- paulownia
- feature
- plantation
- spottedgum
- tiger maple
- european beech
- american red oak
- banksia
- american white oak
- sugar gum
- silky oak